I love our slow mornings. Making love for breakfast, planning our day together, and only deciding to get up because we are both already starving.

I love our lazy afternoons. Watching movies and series, annoying and playing with each other, and kissing on the couch like there will never be enough cuddling.

I love our early nights. Making love for evening snacks, laughing and talking about all the subjects, and saying goodnight only when we can no longer prevent our eyes from closing.

But mostly, I love how it doesn't matter the time, morning, afternoon or night. As long as we're together in our little bubble, even doing nothing means everything.


It's true when they say that the most beautiful things can happen when you least expect it. Because I wasn't looking for anything when I met you. I wasn't planning on falling for anyone so soon. But our connection was different from everything I had experienced before. You brought instant joy into my life. You gave me something special, warm, soothing, whole. You became my best friend, and it felt like no matter the paths we could've taken, our beautiful encounter would've happened anyway. As if the universe already knew we needed to find each other. As if the universe already knew that holding your hand in mine would change our story forever.


I know it can be hard to believe sometimes, but you will find love again. And this time, I hope you are loved back the way you deserve.

I hope that someone loves you as deep and passionate as you are. With the same intensity you do. With the same affection you give.

I hope that someone loves you so attentively that your whole being is seen. That no detail is ignored. That no scar is left unnoticed.

I hope that someone loves everything about you that others didn't appreciate. So no laugh can feel too loud. So no traits can feel too foolish.

I hope that someone loves you so closely that they can see the constellations in your eyes. Read the novels written on your skin. Navigate the oceans in your soul.

And I hope that this time someone loves you whole, holding you so tight that all your broken pieces will finally stick back together.

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